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Internasjonale utviklingsspørsmål

Ressurssider fra RORG-Samarbeidet


Tidsskrifter basert i Sør

Tirsdag 06. september 2005
Linker oppdatert: Torsdag 04. november 2010

  • Amandla, a magazine and web-site in South Africa "taking power serviously".
  • Down To Earth Magazine, published by The Centre for Science and Environment - one of India’s leading environmental NGOs with a deep interest in sustainable natural resource management.
  • Education for Development Magazine (EDM), a bimonthly publication of the International Department of IBON Foundation (The Phillipines)
  • Focus on trade, published on-line by Focus on the Global South, providing updates and analysis of trends in regional and world trade and finance, with an emphasis on analysis of these trends from an integrative, interdisciplinary viewpoint that is sensitive not only to economic issues, but also to ecological, political, gender and social issues.
  • Seatini Bulletin - SEATINI is an African initiative to strengthen Africa's capacity to take a more effective part in the emerging global trading system and to better manage the process of Globalization.
  • South Bulletin from the South Centre. The Centre works to assist in developing points of view of the South on major policy issues, and to generate ideas and action-oriented proposals for consideration by the collectivity of South governments, institutions of South-South co-operation, inter-governmental organizations of the South, and non-governmental organizations and the community at large.
  • Third World Resurgence from the Third World Network. The aim of the magazine is to give a Third World perspective to the whole range of issues confronting the Third World namely, the environment, health and basic needs, international affairs, politics, economics, culture, and so on.

Redaktør: Arnfinn Nygaard
Sist oppdatert: 12. januar
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